"This is a friendly reminder to parents, guardians, and community members to please complete the 2020 census. The last day is September 30. It is important for the funding of our schools, meal programs, SNAP benefits, low income energy assistance programs, Medicaid, WIC, and many other programs for our county. Please complete your census by September 30 by calling 844-330-2020. Thank you.
Reminder today is food delivery day! Buses will be leaving at 10am. We hope everyone has a great Monday!
Mr. Woods - Lesson #12
School picture day is next Thursday, Sept 24. Al students will have their pictures made. An order form was sent home with students. You may also go online to mylifetouch.com to view picture package options. Elementary's Picture Day ID is EVT4MZV3H; High School's is EVT8NMCK6.
For information on returning to school for in-person instruction please read the following. https://5il.co/l4n1
Reminder today is food pickup day!
Please Read the following Community Letter!
This week's episode of "Beyond the Tassel" sponsored by The First Bank of Olmsted is posted. Here is the link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/meridian-beyond-the-tassel/id1527852401. For more information go to: https://www.journey12.com/become-a-partner
Lunch pickup is ready and heading out!
Food is headed out to pick up spots!
Mr. Woods - Lesson #11.
Link to watch the online production of Senior Graduation 2020!
Just a reminder! Food delivery for Remote students will be tomorrow. Look at your schedule for times and pickup places!
Breakfast and Lunch Delivery Schedule Information!
Please listen to the 1st podcast of Beyond the Tassel!
Parents and Guardians please read this letter! Thank you! #BobcatsRising - https://5il.co/js7n
Thank you parents/guardians for your patience and understanding during the “Beep and meet”. We were so excited to see you and your students and appreciate you showing up!
If you have questions, please see this FAQ on our return to schools and the procedures the District is implementing! https://5il.co/jfpl
Mr. Woods - Lesson #10 - Collar Grab