November 19, 2020
Follow this link to enjoy Virtual Family Reading Night Virtual Family Reading Night
November 19, 2020
We will have picture make-up day Tuesday, December 1. If your child was unable to have pictures made in September, you have another chance. You may go online to order pictures o...
November 19, 2020
American Education Week November 16 th – November 20 th --- Celebrate!!
Friday - November 20 th –Dress as your favorite teacher, character, or hero- Thanksgiving Lun...
November 19, 2020
Parents: Grades 6-12 - 2nd quarter mid term reports are available for virtual review on the TeacherEase accounts. The reports will not be mailed out.
If you need a TeacherE...
November 18, 2020
Reminder to ALL BOBCATS! 2 nd Quarter Mid Term reports are available for parent/student review on your teacherease account today. If you need an account, send an email to in...
November 17, 2020
If you need a TeacherEase log in to view your students grades, email Practice the 3 W’s- Wash your hands, Wait 6 feet apart Students - YOU MUST SOCIAL...
November 17, 2020
Thursday evening, November 19, gather your family around your computer and watch Meridian staff member read a book to you. You can access this event on the Meridian website, the ...
November 16, 2020
If you need a TeacherEase log in to view your students grades, email FCCLA will have a meeting today during Junior high Advisory.
Students - YOU M...
November 13, 2020
Students - YOU MUST SOCIAL DISTANCE in the HALLWAYS and WEAR YOUR MASK covering your nose and mouth at all times!!! Please WASH your hands often. WE CANNOT SLACK in these...
November 12, 2020
Lots of information, please read and share with your children! Students - YOU MUST SOCIAL DISTANCE in the HALLWAYS and WEAR YOUR MASK covering your nose and mouth...
November 10, 2020
New items added...... There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.
November 9, 2020
There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.
Project Upward Bound Recruitment -If any 8th-12th grade student is interested in joining Project ...
November 6, 2020
There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.
Project Upward Bound Recruitment -If any 8th-12th grade student is interested in joining Project...
November 5, 2020
There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.
Project Upward Bound Recruitment -If any 8th-12th grade student is interested in joining Project Upw...
November 4, 2020
There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.
Project Upward Bound Recruitment -If any 8th-12th grade student is interested in joining Project...
October 29, 2020
Fall back 1 hour on Saturday night before going to bed for Daylight Savings Time!
Project Upward Bound Recruitment -If any 8th-12th grade student is interested in joining ...
October 29, 2020
There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.
Fall back 1 hour on Saturday night before going to bed for Daylight Savings Time!
Project ...
October 27, 2020
There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.
Project Upward Bound Recruitment -If any 8th-12th grade student is interested in joining Project...