11/12 Announcements

Lots of information, please read and share with your children!

Students- YOU MUST SOCIAL DISTANCE in the HALLWAYS and WEAR YOUR MASK covering your nose and mouth at all times!!!  Please WASH your hands often. WE CANNOT SLACK in these areas of staying safe!

The Meridian High School Media Class/Team will be collecting donations to present to the Southern Illinois Honor Guard and Honor Flight organizations that Honor Veterans. This week and next week, the Media Class Team will be going to different classes in Elementary, Jr. High and High School to inform students about the Honor Guard and the Honor Flight Programs.  They will also give out an Honor Donation Form for students and staff to make a donation in honor of their friends and family that serve or severed in the military.  We will post the forms around the school.

The Honor Guard Organization is a group of volunteers that ceremoniously welcome important visitors to the area.  They also escort the veteran’s casket in a funeral and provide American Flags to the Veteran’s Family. Sometimes, they also provide a Gun salute.

The Honor Flight is a national network of independent groups working together to honor our nation’s veterans with an all-expenses paid trip to the Memorials in Washington, D.C, a trip many of our veterans may not otherwise be able to take. They serve terminally ill veterans from any era of service.

Reminder to ALL BOBCATS! 2nd Mid Term reports will be available for parent/student review on your teacherease account next week Nov 18th. Make sure you are getting all your assignments turned in to your teachers to ensure your grade is current in your teacher’s gradebook.

Middle School Student Council will meet during Advisory in Mrs. Marks room today, November 12th.

HS Beta Club will meet during Advisory in the HS gym today with Mrs. Blake.

American Education Week November 16th – November 20th--- Celebrate!!

Monday- November 16th --Pajama Day- Lunch provided by MEA

Tuesday - November 17th –Camouflage Day- Ice Cream Truck is coming!!

Wednesday- November 18th –Pink Out Day-Lunch provided by Admin/Board

Thursday – November 19th –Crazy Hair/Clothes Day-Support Staff Appreciation

Friday- November 20th –Dress as your favorite teacher, character, or hero- Thanksgiving Lunch Cafeteria

Project Upward Bound Recruitment-If any 8th-12th grade student is interested in joining Project Upward Bound please contact Ms. Markita Roper at projectupwardbound.siu.edu

College Admissions Process (CAPsm) Recruitment- If any 11th or 12th grade student is interested in joining CAPsm, please contact Ms. Janice Couch at jcouch@meridian101.com or Ms. Lisa Thomas at lthomas@meridian101.com or sign- up in the front office by Thursday November 19th, 2020. CAPsm is an alpha Kappa Alpha signature program designed to assist any high school juniors and seniors as they seek admission into college by providing virtual guidance and support in completing the application and enrollment process and entry into college. CAPsm includes a step-by-step approach to facilitate college admission from researching various institutions and submitting applications through completion of the enrollment process. The program will also assist students in preparing for the SAT writing compelling personal statements, or identifying scholarships and other financial aid.

November 18th – School Improvement Day- ½ day student attendance

 Early dismissal at 11: 00. We will move on the PM schedule

November 25th – 27th - Thanksgiving Holiday- No School

Seniors- Shawnee Community College Scholarship opportunities will be online December 1st. If you have questions contact guidance.

SENIORS: December 1st 1:00 p.m. Senior Class meeting in the Library until meeting is over ALL SUBJECTS will be discussed. Balfour will be here to present Graduation Material

Picture Re-take day is December 1st.

ATTENTION: Anyone interested in signing up for the High School Scholar Bowl Team please email Ms. Regina at rharley1@meridian101.com  if you are a remote learner. If you are attending in-person you may sign up in the front office. The deadline to sign up will be November 13th. Thank you!

ATTeNTion 6-8th grade: If you are interested in signing up for Junior High Scholar Bowl Team please email Mr. Greg Harris at gharris@meridian101.com  if you are a remote learner. If you are attending in person you may sign up in the front office. The deadline to sign up will be November 13th. Thank you!

Any Jr. High girl who is still interested in playing basketball you can sign-up in the front office. There will be a short meeting Thursday after school @ 1:30 p.m. in the conference room #27.

Seniors create your FSAID. This is a graduation requirement that must be met. After you have created it please print and turn it in to the Guidance Department.

Students we are enforcing the school dress code. Please refer to page 33 and 34 of your Student Handbook. Staff are watching.

Juniors will be taking the SAT April 13th, 2021.

Juniors and seniors if you want to practice for taking the SAT go to khanacademy.com for study guides.


21st Century in both buildings

HS girls open gym in HS Gym 2-4p.m.

MS Boys open gym in Elem gym 2-4 p.m.

MS & HS Cheerleaders in the HS Gym