You can download the NEW Meridian #101 app both for Apple and Android in your App Store. Search for MCUSD 101!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
New outside door installation began today on the junior high and high school! #BobcatsRising
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
New Doors!
Thank you to Randy and Todd for their work on the softball field today to make improvements!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Softball Field!
Softball field!
Mr. Mike explaining what a Red Velvet Ant is to 2nd Grade!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Mr. Mike informing 2nd grade about a Red Velvet Ant!
Ms. Hawkin's class working on improving their Math Skills!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Ms. Hawkin's class working on ST Math!
Ms. McDuffee would like to thank those who contributed to each of her students receiving a free book each month to read! #BobcatsRising
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Ms. McDuffee's Reading Group!
Big Shout out to the Junior High Bobkits Baseball Team for their conference win vs. Egyptian on Saturday. The Bobkits and Lady Bobkits play Shawnee today!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Thank you to Mr. Gardner for putting up a new backstop on the baseball field! Softball Field next!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Baseball Field backstop!
The middle school softball game scheduled at Joppa for today has also been postponed. there will be NO middle school softball practice today. The middle school baseball team has canceled practice for today.
over 5 years ago, Shari Biggs
HS Volleyball WILL PRACTICE immediately after school today.
over 5 years ago, Shari Biggs
The HS baseball game with Century has been postponed for today The baseball team needs to be dressed for practice and report after school to Mr. Pearcy's room for a team meeting.
over 5 years ago, Shari Biggs
We sold all of the yearbooks! BOOM! #BobcatsRising
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Everyone needs to eat! Elementary Lunch, thank you to our cafeteria staff!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Elementary Lunch!
Elementary Lunch!
Elementary Lunch!
Junior High Boys Baseball wins 22-2 over Dongola! The ladies fall 13-5. Great effort by both teams!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
We have made some improvements to giver our Junior High and High School students some time outside after eating lunch! It looks like they are enjoying it!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Lunch Recess!
Lunch Recess!
Lunch Recess!
Baseball and Softball play today @ Dongola 4:30. Your support is appreciated.
over 5 years ago, Softball Coach
Meridian Jr. High Softball and Baseball teams have a home game on Monday! (8/19) We play Anna. come support the Bobkits.
over 5 years ago, Softball Coach
High School Girls Volleyball Practice!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
Volleyball Practice!
Two great days growing as a better staff for our students! #BobcatsRising
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101
We are excited to welcome our students tomorrow!
over 5 years ago, Meridian CUSD #101