12/15 Announcements

The last day of 2nd Quarter is Friday, December 18th. Make sure you are turning in all of your assignments to your teachers.

Today is the last day for 21st Century Enrichment.

SENIORS Check your Email Daily- Mr. Hight

Senior Shirts are $5.00 it is due ASAP!

Seniors- Shawnee Community College Scholarship opportunities are online. If you have questions contact guidance.

Seniors create your FSAID. This is a graduation requirement that must be met. After you have created it please print and turn it in to the Guidance Department.

December Jollies:

Wednesday- December 16th – Long Winter’s Nap-Wear your comfy PJ’S

Thursday- December 17th – Toes- Toes- Wear your Christmas Socks

Friday- December 18th – Christmas Vacation- Hawaiian Shirts, flip-flops. etc…

Picture Make-up Day is January 12th.

There is ROTC information posted on the Guidance window if interested.

Everyone please practice the 3 W’s- Wash your hands, Wait 6 feet apart and Wear your mask over your  nose and mouth!! Practice good hygiene and don’t forget to wash your masks and change them daily.

Students: DO NOT throw the disposable masks in the toilet. Please dispose them in the trash cans only.

Juniors will be taking the SAT April 13th, 2021.

Juniors and seniors if you want to practice for taking the SAT go to khanacademy.com for study guides.


21st Century Enrichment in various rooms in both buildings - last day until January