- Students the school dress code is being enforced. Please check your 2019-2020 student handbook (p. 34) and dress accordingly. (Staff are watching)
- Seniors: There will be a Senior Class meeting after school on Monday, March 16th at 3:00 p.m.
- Students wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently and long enough to sing the song “happy birthday.”
- 3rd quarter ends Friday, March 13th.
- Upward Bound will be here Monday, March 16th during the lunch blocks.
- There will be an early dismissal on March 18th at 11 am.
- Juniors will be attending a college fair at SIUC on March 26th leaving at 9:15am and returning at 2 p.m.
- Monday, April 6th is Family Reading and Craft night from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
- CYPRESS CREEK NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE will have summer positions for students 16-18 years old. Come by Guidance to get an application.
- Seniors and 8th graders don’t forget Cap and Gown money. It is $30.00.
- Seniors: Bring in your baby pictures for the yearbook to guidance. The deadline is April 14th
3/12 Annoucements
March 12, 2020