Friday, February 28th and Monday, March 2nd there will be NO SCHOOL.
21st Century will host a Black History Program in the High School Gym at 1 p.m. on Thursday, February 27th. Come and celebrate with us.
Students the school dress code is being enforced. Please check your 2019-2020 student handbook (p. 34) and dress accordingly.
March 12th at 9 am SEMO will be here to present to Juniors and Seniors.
3rd quarter ends Friday, March 13th.
Any student age 15 to 18 years old who may be interested in working with the Forest Service in Vienna, IL this summer who have their own transportation. Please come to Guidance for more information.
Students New and Different Job: THIS IS CYPRESS CREEK NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE will have summer positions for students 16-18 years old. Come by Guidance to get an application.
Students the Student Handbook rules are being enforced.
Seniors and 8th graders don’t forget Cap and Gown money. It is $30.00.