- Any student in 5th grade interested in trying out for the 2020-2021 Middle School cheer squad needs to pick up an application in the office. Completed and Signed forms should be returned to the office by noon Thursday, January 23. Up-to-date physicals must be on file in the nurse’s office by Thursday, January 30.
- Remember, Enrichment resumes Monday. Remind your parents.
- Students the school dress code is being enforced. Please check your 2019-2020 student handbook (p. 34) and dress accordingly.
- Students the Student Handbook rules are being enforced
- The Performing Arts class schedule for the month of January will be as follows: Every Wednesday and Thursday each week after school from 3-5 p.m.
- Welding class will resume next Wednesday, January 15th.
- Attention: all juniors and any senior who would like to take the ASVAB test; we will be taking the test on Wednesday, February 12th.
- Any junior or senior who might be interested in touring Trendsetters stop by the guidance office.
- Seniors: Make sure you are filling out your scholarship applications. The deadline is February 1st, 2020.
- Seniors don’t forget Cap and Gown money. It is $30.00.
- Upward Bound will be here on Monday, January 13th during the lunch block.
1/10 Announcements
January 10, 2020